Solutions Scoop Podcast
This podcast is about the rapidly growing Investment Solutions and Outsourced Chief Investment Officer businesses and is hosted by Ravi Venkataraman and Amanda Tepper, co-founders of the Chestnut Solutions Institute. Our guests are senior leaders from investment management, consulting, asset owners and other thinkers in the investment ecosystem.
Featured Reports
Evaluating OCIOs & Solutions Providers
The massive growth in OCIO and investment solutions is being driven by investors seeking holistic solutions addressing complex needs that fall well beyond the traditional risk/return goals. The Chestnut Solutions Institute has created a new Holistic Value Measurement (“HVM”) framework that enables investors to move beyond traditional two-dimensional performance and fee assessments toward a holistic view of the provider’s ability to ensure the investor achieves their desired outcome.

The Institute’s Defining Investment Solutions Report
- The Defining Investment Solutions report represents an important milestone in the Institute’s mission. Key report elements include:
- The Institute’s proposed answer to the foundational question: What, exactly, is an ‘investment solution’?
- A thorough examination of the current solutions marketplace, informed by Chestnut’s recent proprietary research with approximately 100 senior professionals across the solutions ecosystem
- Introducing a new framework designed to help all investment solutions stakeholders achieve optimal investor outcomes more easily

Featured Reports
Maximizing the OCIO Growth Opportunity
The rapidly evolving OCIO market has created new opportunities and risks for asset managers. We spoke with leading industry experts to help identify the best way for managers to make the most of this growing opportunity.

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