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Case studies

Chestnut provides business development consulting to all types of asset managers, including real estate, OCIOs, private equity, RIAs, multi-family offices, long-only managers, and hedge funds. We help investment managers ranging from small boutiques to trillion-dollar top-ten global managers achieve their growth goals.

Poor Asset Flows Despite Outstanding Performance

Challenge: Strong Performance, No AUM Growth
Leading Hedge Fund

Research Reveals Dissatisfied Clients and How to Win Them Back

Challenge: Investor Temperature Check
Global Insurance-Owned Real Estate Manager

Identifying the Right Target Investors Leads to AUM Growth

Challenge: No Institutional Interest Regional Multi-Family Office

Insurance Boutique Pivots to Third Party Investor Business

Challenge: High Turnover, No Independent Identity U.S. Private Debt Manager, Owned by Top U.S. Insurance Company

Brilliant Insights, Unheard

Challenge: Low Investor Interest Despite High Content Volume Global Real Asset Manager